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Hive Digital Dual Wax Heate

Hive Digital Dual Wax Heate

Ref: HOB8100

From Hive of Beauty, Digital Double Wax Heater.

A dual 1000cc and 500cc capacity digital wax heater for ultimate versatility. Reaching temperatures of 90 degrees C, this heater offers complete temperature control.

Choose from either standard or FAST heat-up mode, perfect for the busy salon. Will automatically heat to the highest temperature to melt the wax, then reduce to the set working temperature of your choice!

The seperate heat chambers can heat up independently or simultaneously as required.

Features: Comes with a removable bucket in each chamber. Use of 500cc bucket optional, 1000cc bucket mandatory, fitted lid, indicator display light and removable electrical lead.

Trade Price: £94.50 (£113.40 Including VAT at 20%)